Bonvue Street Phase 2 Coming in 2022. Stay Tuned!

Nail pounding ceremony marks second phase of revitalization project in Observatory Hill | The Northside Chronicle
Mayor Bill Peduto joined Chief of Staff Dan Gilman, State Representative Emily Kinkead, Allegheny County Executive Rich Fitzgerald, Councilman Bobby Wilson, Observatory Hill Inc. and Observatory Hill Development Corporation Treasurer Leslee Schaffer, and Neighborhood Community Development Fund Executive Director Mark Masterson for a nail pounding ceremony to celebrate Phase II of Observatory Hill’s Bonvue Street Revitalization Project.
The event, which took place on Dec. 20, 2021, marked the kick-off of renovations for five single-family homes on Bonvue Street: #4, #121, #125, #127, and #217. Photo: Ashlee Green
The event, which took place on Dec. 20, 2021, marked the kick-off of renovations for five single-family homes on Bonvue Street: #4, #121, #125, #127, and #217. Photo: Ashlee Green

Bonvue Street Phase 2 Coming Soon. 5 affordable reNEWed homes available in a range of prices, sizes, bed/bath configurations and parking options available to owner occupants. Soft 2nd mortgage discounts of around $30,000* for income qualified buyers who make 115% of the area median income or less based on household size.